Monday, August 11, 2008

And they're off...

KC and CC are off this morning to their 1st day back to school. KC is starting 5th grade and CC is starting 4th grade. Hard to believe they are getting so BIG! They were pretty excited about today. It was a early morning. We are so use to central time that it felt like we were getting up at 6:00am instead of 7:00 am. The kids have been sleeping until close to 11:00 everyday, so that's a big difference. We'll all be tired early tonight! Above is the kids picture right before Jake took them to school this morning. Below is their picture on the 1st day of school last year. They have grown so much and look so much older this year! What cuties!
So now the house is quiet and I have a mess. We got in from Florida about 1:00 this morning, so I have some unpacking to do. Being in Florida since May, we brought back a ton of stuff...aka mess. If you need me you know where I'll be!


Katie said...

They are cuties! Katie, especially, has grown up so much since last year. She's starting to look like a teen!!!

Cheryl said...

I'm going to steal your idea and update my blog with last year's picture to show how much my kids grown! Great idea!

Also, can you adopt me next summer so I can stay at the beach for a couple of months? That sounds heavenly! ;)

Heidi Zawisza said...

Deanna! I can't believe Katie is in 5th grade!! WHAT?????
Anyways, you HAVE to come with me one day to LifeTime fitness. Just let me know when you can come!!!

Hollie said...

They look so cute:)

Michele Helms said...

Can you still feel..hear those waves???? It really is amazing how much they change and grow in a year....and as big as they look this year you will be amazed at how much they have changed!!!

Pete Wilson said...

Our oldest started first grade this week. Heart breaking.