Saturday, November 3, 2007

Time Change Tonight

Right now the clock may say it's 10:15 pm, but it is really only 9:15 pm!! Dad says so!
Tonight you move your clocks back 1 hour...and it never fails when the time change comes Dad talks all day about how it's really an hour earlier. Then after tomorrow for at least the next week we'll all hear how our body thinks it's an hour later than it really is or that last week at this time it was an hour later. For some reason he is totally intrigued with the time changing and talks about it everytime for days! This is just how it is and how it has been as long as I can remember!
So, don't forget about turning your clocks back tonight! If you don't you'll be an hour early for church tomorrow. Or if you're me it might make you be right on time! :)
I Love You Dad!!!!

1 comment:

Jamie Goodwin said...

This blog made me laugh, because I do the exact same thing for a few days after the time change...I just do it in my head...not to anyone else!

I said hey to your mom and asked if I could put a link to your blog on my page. Let me know if it is okay!

You can check mine out at

It looks like you are all doing well...we miss Sunday mornings at Woodstock! Have a happy Thanksgiving!!